Sunday, April 1, 2007

7 Deadly Money Lies

As a subscriber to Agora's free ezine, The Rude Awakening, I also get tons of email sales letters for their financial newsletters.

I often enjoy reading these for various reasons. If they're well-researched, they can be quite informative, and give you a lot to think about. I got one recently called the The 7 Deadly Money Lies. You can start to read it here:

7 Deadly Money Lies

Agora mostly takes a hard-money, pro-gold, pro-commodities especially oil, the world is going to hell approach. I've been hearing such arguments since the 1970s when libertarian Harry Browne and some others started popularizing them. They've been right in some ways -- inflation certain has eroded the value of the dollar -- but obviously wrong in others -- the world's economy has not collapsed -- yet.

Maybe it will tomorrow.

Maybe you should just seek the safety of passbook savings accounts although that concept is anathema to both sides.

My own opinion? #1 -- yes, deficits do matter. I don't know if Dick Cheney really believes they don't. But Republicans have been griping about Democratic spending deficits for years, and should continue to try to balance the budget even though we must also fight the war on terror. Because the consequences of losing that would be far greater than the economic problems brought on my the budget deficit.

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