Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Prepare for retirement before it's too late

The #2 Deadly Lies About Money from the ad in Rude Awakening (I mentioned it about a week ago) is "Your retirement is safe." Well, Bernard Bernake new Chairman of the Federal Reserve is trying to sound the alarm, but no politicians are listening. To be fair, President Bush tried to implement reform of Social Security early in 2005 but he was blocked by the expected opposition from the Democratic and pseudo-Republican liberals who refuse to touch the sacred cow of Social Security.

Yet anybody who looks can see the problem coming. There's not going to be enough money in the Social Security trust funds for the baby boomers. Not enough money to pay for Medicare expenses. Not enough pension money in the pension funds.

Even worse, there's just plain not enough money in the world!

And Japan and many European countries have an even worse discrepancy than the USA!

Sooner or later, we're going to see a massive theft of Social Security from the "rich." I say "theft," because Social Security was originally sold the American people and promoted as "insurance," not welfare. The taxation of Social Security for people with incomes over $25,000 which began about 10 years ago was an outrageous violation of this principle which nobody objected to, because hey, who cares if the "rich" (elderly people who make over $25,000 annually) don't like it -- why should they get it if they don't need it? Because they paid for it, that's why.

Just lately the government instituted the Income Related Monthly Adjustment Amount (IRMAA) part of the Medicare Modernization Act of 2003 - which forces elderly people who have over $80,000 in income to pay more of a Medicare Part B premium than other people. Again, class warfare.

And class warfare rhetoric is just beginning. We can expect to see higher Social Security taxes, an increase in the retirement age and more means testing (though it may just be backend taxation) of Social Security benefits.

If you save and invest money, even if it's just in certificates of deposit, you're going to be punished, to pay for the people who didn't save anything. Also watch out for a crackdown on people who have money in bank accounts in other countries. The government will want to get its hands on your money no matter where in the world it is.

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